- "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
- Its not being a jerk its being yourself and that's what people discriminate
- Ethos: "They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil's child, I will live then from the devil."
- Don't act like you're good if you're not good.
- When something is good then call it good but when something isn't then don't because giving it a good definition gives the word no value.
- Don't give charity to make yourself look good
- Don't tolerate people who are rude, racist, or anything. And then when they go off to do something good (give money to charity) then that's bs and people shouldn't tolerate that.
- Doing something good doesn't make up for all the bad that you already did.
- "Virtues are, in the popular estimate, rather the exception than the rule"
What someone says something isn't what they do but its what they are.
If you act like someone that someone else wants you to be, it diminishes you from being your true self because you put to much effort into being that and not yourself.